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Writer's pictureRamadimetja Makgeru

What do you know about 2015?


The new year celebrations have come and gone; and those new year resolutions we made have already been forgotten as everyone resumes their ordinary lives. The lack of a method that helps us implement those much needed changes or growth in our lives is what is holding us back from making our resolutions a reality.

Google defines reflection as “serious thought or consideration”. Without reflecting on the past year, we will never see what we did wrong and how to better our actions. Our resolutions will never become a reality because we lack a knowledge of self. This self-knowledge can only be obtained through thorough self-introspection, which in simple terms is reflection.

A young ambitious lady who goes by the name, Ahadi Zondo, impressed me by doing her refection of the past year on Facebook, listing all her triumphs and failures event by event. I developed an interest in her and decided to write an article about her, with hope to inspire others.


Ahadi is a 26 year old woman who believes that she is a game-changer, influencer and a change-driver. She completed an Economics and Business Management short course through the University of Pretoria, and is currently studying Project Management through Activate!

She owns Solutionaire Phase (Pty) Ltd, an events management company, that she founded in 2013, as well as Rebakgele Constructions. She owns shares at Book Locate (Pty) Ltd and is a radio anchor for Hillbrow radio. Some busy woman she is!


This busy woman wakes up at 4:30am everyday and chooses a busy Johannesburg street just to tell people that they should believe in themselves. She uses two boards; one written “Enjoy your day” and the other “Believe in yourself”. “My aim is to encourage people to make the best of their day.”

“My mission in life is to make this world a better place by bringing smiles and hope to people,” she said. She adds on to say, “If we want the world to be a better place, we need stand together – no one can do it alone.”

So far she has been to various streets in Johannesburg and Pretoria. People supporting her campaign use the hashtag #EnjoyYourDay on social networks.

It is very clear that Ahadi is not only a successful business woman, but a change-driver as well. Her reflection sessions have, without a doubt, assisted her to get to where she is. She grows from her challenges and builds on to her truimphs.

Dear friends, lets reflect on the past year before deciding what we want to achieve this year. It will give us a more realistic view of whether we should be working on fixing the past year’s mistakes or if we are ready enough to accomplish whatever it is that we would like to achieve.

You can connect with Ahadi on the following platforms: Twitter: @Solutionaire_Phase Facebook: Sthembile Ahadi Zondo Instagram: @zondosthembile LinkedIn: Sthembile Ahadi Zondo

Enjoy 2016!

Ramadimetja ‘Rami’ Makgeru.

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